A life increasingly of sharp contrasts

I suddenly realized, the other day, that my life, in the last few years especially, has seen some interesting twists - each change being in starker contrast to the earlier state than the previous such combination...... ok, ok...let me try and elaborate.

For the first 17 odd years of my life, everything was fit and fine - I led a very sheltered life - dependant on my parents like a young bird on its parents for sustenance....I hardly remember having to take any decision for myself.......and then after my 12th, I tried the engineering entrance exams half heartedly (perhaps in the assumption that my parents will facilitate that too..!), having failed to obtain a respectable rank, I was forced to choose -prepare another year or do something now - and I did something impulsive....I went to Bhavan's, spoke to the Principal myself - she was stunned with my guts (for aproaching her for a seat a good three months after college had commenced..!) and then convinced my parents to support.......whats the contrast? - having never made a decision for myself thus far, I was suddenly called upon to make a significant personal decision (did I make the right decision? - God knows what the alternative was.. and thats not the topic of this post, perhaps another one..!)

Then after three more years of cocooned bliss at Bhavans, suddenly I decided to attempt CAT and some attendant adentures later - I was in IIMK.....I had never lived away from home, from my parents for more than 3 days before then....not being very well off, we never ventured on holidays too often, not being the closest-knit family around, summer trips to far-away exotic uncles and aunties were non-existent......and now suddenly I was expected to live, fight, survive and attempt to thrive amongst 57 hungry wolves in a far-away land....the contrast especially being that - unlike say engineering college hostels, the IIMs dont have a protective layer around you - you are believed to be an adult and well capable of taking care of yourself - so much so, the academic rigor starts on day zero - when three mountain loads of books are dumped on your lap.....

I surivived that too.....and went to TCS, in what was arguably the worst economic year for the IIMs in placement history. There the first year was brilliant and mediocre in equal measure - no challenging work, no desparate late hours, the work involved lazing around, understanding the "power structure" of corporate India, doing some "strategic" projects which contributed nothing to me (apparently it really helped the organization..!).....there was no autonomy, no space to express onceself.....it was like ants in a line - do what you're told, when you are told........and then it changed.....dramatically - one day I was sitting in Hyd - watching the world cup (2003) and the next, I'm packing my bags for Los Angeles.......the contrast here - amongst other things - was the work - from hierarchical, beaurocratic, order based organization to a start-up.....as the second citizen of the M&E vertical of TCS - I was asked to learn, implement, make mistakes and contribute - right away.....learning was on the job, got to do a thousand different things, most from personal intitiative - because everyone else was busy earning their keep too......man it was fun.......five years in Los Angeles.

Then from Los Angeles - the order, the grace, the charm of a life well lived, we landed in NOIDA.....do I need to talk about the contrast here?.....ok I'll skip that obvious one :-). But theres other subtle ones - the difference in lifestyle between the US and India (especially North India) - from a life where one was self reliant - completely self reliant to being surrounded by servants - one to cook, one to clean the house, one to clean the car, one to iron the clothes.....wow, its difficult man......in office - having had a boss who was more friend than ruler, its difficult to adjust to the notion that your boss tacitly expects deference, and your subordinates are not looking for a friend, they are looking for orders.....its difficult to understand a sub-conscious caste system in office - where you are expected to be friendly only with your peers, and suck-up to the seniors.......dont waste time talking to everyone on the floor ....!

Theres lots more ....but for now - thats a lot for me to chew on.....as the chinese blessing/curse goes - may you live in interesting times.....I certainly am......


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