Thanks Partner...

Every journey begins with a step.......and as you look back, the significance of the journey itself becomes apparent - it is but the aggregate approximation of the steps you've taken along the way....

This journey officially began exactly five years least half the touring party will claim the journey actually began four years before that.....but then, lets not confuse a trek in the woods with a Mt.Everest expedition. Five years ago, we decided we would attempt to ascent our personal mountain - it soon became apparent that this would be very different from any trek we have ever been on: the terrain and the difficulty was upto us to decide - much like one of those walking machines in the gym that are endlessly customizable - we could go as far as we wanted, choose the path, the incline, the view we wanted, we could, in fact HAD TO choose the amount of time spent walking, spent resting. 

As we started walking, we quickly realized that while there were many other groups walking along - we couldnt just follow any group, we had to carve our own path. Another peculiarity of this journey - we only made progress when both of us moved - one of us couldnt pull ahead and wait - we had to work the path together. 

We were told by wellwishers that we were not prepared for an arduous journey like this, that a few more years of walking alone would help prepare us for the journey, but we dived in nevertheless - now as we look back, having scaled a mere 10th of the peak - heres my perspective:

We have scaled way higher than I imagined we would when we set out - and without being facetious or overly humble I can easily declare that I have received way more than I have needed to give and my partner has had to un-ceasingly give, she has received some too but I wonder how much of that came from me having to give up.....indeed I have had the best of times - climbing at my pace, resting and enjoying the view.....not having to clamber up, not needing to fight the elements. 

They told us that the first base camp would be tough to reach but the journey after that would get nasty - nothing we had seen before that would prepare us for the journey ahead - it would be tough - snow, hail, wild animals and we all on our own.....Now as our first base camp appears imminent - we should arrive by mid next year, all I can say is - Bring it on.....with a mix of energetic enthusiasim, trepidation and excitement. 

The five years have been an immensely gifted time for me - I hope I can make the next five as eventful for my partner. Clearly I could not and would not have wanted to embark on this journey without the always on help, support and the big, big shoulder....Thanks Partner.


Paddy said…
Sounds like you have these reflections on your wedding anniversary :) Belated Wishes

Wow! Its 5 years (Shucks I am getting Old..). I can still remember the Yves St. Laurent on that day..
Anand said…
Dude....u seem to be implying - one - these thoughts come only once a year and never in between and two, that these are but thoughts, with no action to follow.....I guess only the wife can now answer miss anonymous - please do us the needful by dropping in a few words..

P.S - thanks for the a gift I want a bottle of single malt the next time you fly out of there...! :-)

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