Is there a good side to Delhi too....
At last, after all these months of despair, I get to say something nice about the city we have come to loathe - Delhi. I can assuredly say this past weekend was one of the best in a while - we finally found a couple who - graciously went out of their way to make us feel at home.
The guy - ebullient, energetic, excited, enthusiastic, effervescent and the lady - demure, diplomatic, devoid of drama - a perfect foil. People who know my wife and I might say something similar - but theres a key difference I noticed here - the guy is way more bubbly than I ever could be and she is perhaps more held back than my wife would be.....add to that, while we seem to be migrating to a homogenous middle path of compromised values, where I hold off a bit and she expresses her views a touch more.....these guys have afforded each other remarkable amount of space and time to be their individual selves.
For us to be able to find a couple pretty similar in their world views that we can strike up a decent conversation , yet have different enough views that the conversation itself becomes very interesting - not the accompaniments - the surroundings, the drink etc is the remarkable part.
This also proves to me how one's opinion of a place is fashioned by the people one interacts with, how even Guantanamo might become hospitable (god forbid), if you have a bunch of rip-roaring mates around. So heres to whatever time is left in Delhi for us - lets make it count..!