Promising week ahead...
As the last but one week dawns, it is pregnant with so much potential and possibilities, it feels eerily electric....I would joking if I said anything other than that I'm geniunely excited, my nails are well manicured (!) and I'm generally a little keyed up....
Tomorrow night is a BIG meeting at the work place that is a continuation of an audacious idea from the boss, if we manage to get across a tenth of what the idea can potentially deliver - it would be a big deal for the Indian IT industry and if we manage to snag the full potential, I have no doubts this would be a game changer for the India IT industry......the audacity of hope continues.
On the personal front, Hyd beckons - a few days of R&R and general chillpilling......
Also on the personal front - my muscles ache good naturedly - played half an hour of intense T.T on sat and half an hour of intense badminton yesterday....this morning my body is trying to tell me how many muscles I have - each one will speak up if there was an attendance call..! That said, it was utterly enjoyable - after about 6.5 years to get back to some serious showed me several things - that my reflexes are all but gone/...I will need to nurture them back - there were many occasions when I envisioned a particular shot in my head but could not execute it simply because I was a couple of microseconds late.....and in 25 minutes, I was out of breath.....but man was it fun - keep it coming I say.......