India Pledge - Do they still make you recite this in School?

I remember during our school days - we were asked to parrot the below lines as our "national pledge"......I also gather that these lines were first penned by Swami this our national pledge? - I couldnt find any reference to it on the India government websites.  Anyways, enjoy these delightfully innocent lines - brings back some great memories.....

India is my country,
All Indians are my brothers & sisters.
I love my country
And I'am proud of its rich and varied heritage
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and elders 
Due respect and treat every one with courtesy.

To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion 
In their well being and prosperity alone 
Lies my happiness



Anonymous said…
well ofcourse!

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