Telecommute - why it makes sense....
Why is it that we Indians have a need to go to office, even if there is no work.....even if more work gets done without the distraction and noise of colleagues, without the irritation of the phones going off and the ability to think and focus in silence, at home?
I know that most of us have jobs that need us to be in the office - no laptops, having to process papers, need to have meetings etc...but for those of us who have the option of working from anywhere, since we practically work all the time - why is there a need to be "seen" in the office?
Personally I find it way more productive to sit at home - we dont have kids, no TV so theres no disturbance, no interruption. The internet at home actually works (at office it is an apology for a crawl..!), so research and mails get done quickly too. Most days, much of my communication can be done on my cellphone and email, so theres no need to be anywhere in person. Add to that the tension and stress of Delhi driving and its a no-brainer to me - me thinks, we should have a policy of encouraging people to work from home, when possible and feasible (at least once a week seems reasonable to me).
I think it makes economic, social and personal sense. What do you think?
But as this wonderful article demonstrates, more often than not, we under-estimate the goodwill and spirit of our fellow human beings:
GIven a choice, and with no prisoner's dilemma-esque situation facing them, I believe most (there are always black sheep) humans will police themselves. I think this self policing as a concept never fit into the industrial model of management by decree, by example and by order.
This is also no panacea for everyone - its only when the job permits it.